

Even if Soy is apparantly a profitable product, in order to contain production costs, it is necessary to guarantee the crops abundant water during the whole phenological cycle.

For this reason, in Italy, Soy is cultivated mainly in irrigatable areas. 

Due to the characteristics and dimension of the Soy seed, it is suitable for no-till or minimum tillage sowing.  

The SOP Agroline product for Soy has a dual action:  

ACTION ON THE PLANT: favouring, on the one hand, root development thus increasing the assorbant surface area (fundamental, considering the daily water and nutritional requirements of the plant), and on the other hand, stem growth and tillering  

ACTION ON THE SOIL: helping to increase the nitrogen fixing bacteria and thus the fixation of the bacterial nitrogen in the soil. The bacterial activity also contributes to making other microelements more greatly available.

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