SOP's innovative processes

SOP srl, with more than fifteen years of study, research and presence in the field, has created a line of products to help farmers throughout the whole barn system, optimizing the available resources and offering dairy farmers solutions for:

  1. Environment: thanks to the bio-hygienization process, there is a new equilibrium within the barn, modulating the environmental bacterial load to the advantage of the animal, the herd and the whole environment. This is made possible by favouring the humification process over that of putrefaction and the results can be obtained on all the surfaces of the farm, from plastic mats to permanent bedding. 
  2. Health & Wellbeing: thanks to the stimulation of the symbiontic microbial flora and the bio-resilience centers of the animal, it responds better to any changes in the barn and to other external stimuli, maintaining greater equilibrium and, consequently, maintaining high standards of health and production.
  3. Liquid manure management: thanks to the process of bio-valorization, it is possible to ease the management of manure under the slats and in the pits and lagoons, as well as giving it a greater agronomical value, transforming it from a "problem" into a "resource".
  4. Agriculture: thanks to the dual action of the SOP Crop Line products (specific for each crop) that stimulates the plant and simultaneously revitalises the soil, the fertility of the soil can be reestablished and maintained year after year.

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